On October 5, 2024 between 4-7pm The Temecula Valley Bike Coalition is looking for entertainers to perform for 10-15 minutes throughout a pasta/pizza dinner, silent and live auction. It is in the Conference Room at the Temecula City Hall. We are looking for Singers, Dancers, Martial Arts, Poetry Readings, Jugglers, Comics, Musicians, Cheerleaders, and any other type of family entertainment. This is a volunteer opportunity. Arts Council Menifee has a free gift for you if you participate.
Please call 951-852-9744 with the name and talent interested in participating. The final schedule with a timeline will be announced by October 1, 2024.
VENDOR BOOTHS – Are available on Saturday and Sunday for $200 for both days. If you can only stay one day or the other, find another vendor to share the cost to be there the other day. More Information on the RTV Site. Please call 951-852-9744 if you have more questions.
LOOKING FOR RIDERS – The Temecula Valley Bike Coalition is hosting the Ride the Vines Charity Bike Ride on October 6, 2024, and Arts Council Menifee wants you and your bike riding friends to join our team!
This charity bike ride offers multiple routes, including a 50-mile ride, a 25-mile ride, a 15-mile ride, and a 2.5-mile Family Fun Roll and Stroll. This means people of all ages and abilities can participate by riding or walking. Not only will it be a fun and healthy experience, but it is a significant fundraising opportunity for ACM.
It’s an excellent opportunity to rally our supporters and volunteers around a fun and meaningful cause. By signing up on the ARTS COUNCIL MENIFEE TEAM, all the proceeds raised will directly support our mission and enable us to serve our community better. Additionally, our participation will help showcase our commitment to community engagement and health initiatives.